Monday, September 14, 2009

9/12/2009 March on Washington

Pics and videos from the day.

1.5-2 Million people, paid their own way to DC from all over the country to say "ENOUGH!" to the elite rulers Washington DC. This number is higher than the estimates given for the presidential inauguration. I was there on 9/12, and I've never been more proud to be an American. Everyone was civil and respectful. The Police officers said they've never witnessed a better and more friendly crowd. I noticed the Police for very comfortable, laid back, friendly, and professional. Oh and I didn't see ANY trash on the ground either! Those people are the America that I know and love. They are the Americans that make this nation great and hold it together, with their character, morality, individual responsibility, responsible compassion, generous charity, and hard work. The Left no longer has the sole proprietorship on political activism. The freedom loving Americans who used to just yell at the TV, are now taking to the streets too. Washington will ignore them at their own peril.