This is Part 1 in a three part series of my thoughts on the Church and it's fear of getting involved in political matters and controversial secular ideas like global warming to name one. Why should they get involved with topics seemingly irrelevant to the Christian religion? Because these ideas and the policies that go with them threaten our Freedoms and Liberties. The Freedoms and Liberties our Founders built into our government came from principles in the Bible. If the Church will not defend these Freedoms and Liberties from the basis of the Bible, who will? The Church must engage in the public discussion of controversial secular ideas. This article got so long that I decided to divide it up into three parts that I will post everyday for three days.
As Christians, in addition to focusing on the great commission to spread the gospel to the ends of the earth and our own spiritual growth, we must not forget about another command in the Bible:
2 Corinthians 10:5
We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.
Christians, not all but in large, have failed this charge miserably when it comes to the public square. We have a charge to challenge the ideas the politicians, media, academia, and public schools force on us. We must demolish every idea that sets itself up against the knowledge of God. It doesn't say politely agree to disagree. It doesn't say come up with some kind of Christian feel good compromise with a Godless human theory or idea. It says DEMOLISH!
We must take every idea coming from politicians, academia, etc. and hold it up to the principles in the Bible. And yes, the Bible is clear on more political topics than just abortion. We can't just sit in our churches and focus on typical religious activities and think that we have no Biblical responsibility to engage secular ideas being pushed in the public square and everywhere. We can't just do our typical religious activities and ignore the politics of the day and expect to have no consequences. The Christian Church's lack of involvement, appeasement, and compromise with the world of secular ideas will result in the loss of the right for Christians in America to practice and speak out against anti-Christian ideas and lifestyles.
The Hate Crimes bill, that will be hidden in a huge "must pass now" bill, will begin the blatant persecution of the American Christian Church. If the Church's sole reason in not speaking out (about the Biblical roots of our founding and the Biblical adherence or lack thereof of today's politics and pending legislation) is to retain their tax exempt status and large attendence, shame on them. They will foolishly have exchanged freedom for money and human approval by being silent on matters of politics, country, and freedom. This act of appeasement may protect the Church's budgets in the short term but not their freedom to preach the gospel and speak out against Godlessness. I doubt the early churches in the Bible had any such accommodations like tax breaks from government. They were chopped to pieces, skinned alive, fed to wild animals, and crucified upside down to name a few "accommodations" of the early Church. We have it easy at the moment.
Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. - Benjamin Franklin
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