I would argue that programs and policies sold as programs that will eliminate or reduce poverty or rectify social injustices are the programs the promote poverty and agitate class hatred. Not that they didn't start out with good intentions, but they have been failing for the past 50 years and to speak out against welfare means you immediately get labeled a heartless, capitalist, racist, monster who is too privileged to even be allowed to comment on the hardships of those repressed by an unjust society ruled by the rich and privileged.
My understanding of Social Justice as proclaimed by the media, Obama, and academia is, there are minorities or groups of people who because of their race, geographic location, and economic situation are held down, or oppressed by a society run by rich capitalists that discriminates based on race, or economic status. Because of these insurmountable societal obstacles and injustices, they cannot succeed like typical middle class or wealthy white people. Therefore it is the government's moral obligation to wage "war" on the aspects of society, mainly the wealthy, that "force" poverty on these minorities or groups and bring about social and economic equality by redistributing the spoils of this war.
My definition of social injustice is a strategy of the left whereby they target the lower economic class, whites and minorities, and by inciting class hatred, convince them that they are victims of an unfair society run by a rich, privileged majority class, that discriminates against them and intentionally keeps them down to enrich themselves. They are told they cannot succeed without a "hand-up" from the government. Therefore if they vote for left, the left will right the wrongs of society and give them what they deserve, what is their right: food, shelter, clothing, and a job (job is optional sometimes). And if your unfortunate enough to be classified as "rich and privileged" by the left, it's the governments moral obligation to take, I say steal, money from you and give it to these poor underprivileged people. After all, what are the rich and privileged going to do with all that money, it's not like they earned it fairly, it's not like they may have been in poverty and worked their asses off to succeed. It's not like charities are funded by these selfish rich and privileged people. The tragedy of it is that those people exchanged their freedom and possibly a prosperous future for a check, for a book of food stamps. Why work hard and try to reach your full potential when society is against you and wants you to fail, when you can do little to nothing and live off the government coffers instead. After all it's only fair that government take money from those rich privileged people and give it the poor underprivileged. That's "social justice." Take from the so called "rich" and give to the so called "poor". That's also called socialism, which is the transitional period between capitalism and communism. It's failed everywhere it's been tried and leads to misery, stagnant economies, and an oppressed people. Socialism cuts down the wealthy and middle class and lifts the poor to a mutual level of misery, while leaving a rich and powerful ruling class. Communism has also been responsible for some of the greatest human atrocities and loss of life, estimated around 260 million. True Economic Conservatism doesn't bring down the rich or lift up the poor, it creates and preserves an environment where individuals can succeed and be prosperous free from government intrusion, but they have to work hard and earn it. Conservatism rewards hard work and achievement, it doesn't pick winners and losers. Socialism kills the human initiative to provide for oneself and trains people to think they are entitled to goodies from the government, the left calls them "rights", the government in turn takes from the "rich" and gives it to it's dependent voter base.
You cannot bring about prosperity by discouraging thrift. You cannot help small men by tearing down big men. You cannot strengthen the weak by weakening the strong. You cannot lift the wage-earner by pulling down the wage-payer. You cannot help the poor man by destroying the rich. You cannot keep out of trouble by spending more than your income. You cannot further the brotherhood of man by inciting class hatred. You cannot establish security on borrowed money. You cannot build character and courage by taking away men's initiative and independence. You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they could and should do for themselves. - William Boetcker
I graduated from High school with a 1.9/4.0 GPA. But you know, I had it rough. I was going through a very difficult emotional experience. You probably did a lot better than me. Things were probably better for you than me. It's not fair that you have all those good grades because you were privileged with better circumstances than me. In fact I think it's only fair that I get some of your GPA. I think about 1.0 point would be fair. That feels like justice to me. Doesn't sound so just for you does it? That's because it is not. I reaped the consequences of my High school GPA and it was a 4 year detour for me to get into the Penn State Aerospace Engineering program. I worked my ass off and graduated with better than a 3.5 Cumulative GPA. Quite an accomplishment for a high school flunky. I still am burdened with the consequences of my High school GPA in the form of College debt. I accept those consequences of my decisions and do not expect a bailout or charity from anyone. If I could go back to high school, I would kick my own ass and say, "Snap out of it! You're screwing your future!"
The war on poverty has been the longest fought most expensive war. No matter how much we spend on this war, the state of poverty in our country has not improved since the creation FDR's welfare program. But conservatives are not allowed to talk about the results, just the good intentions of welfare and the moral obligation we all have to keep funding it.
"You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the
wealthy out of freedom. What one person receives without working
for, another person must work for without receiving. The government
cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take
from somebody else. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work
because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other
half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is
going to get what they work for, that my dear friend, is about the end of
any nation. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it."
The late Dr. Adrian Rodgers
Consequently because of these perceived social injustices, we have laws like Affirmative Action that force Universities and Companies to have to meet racial quotas not based on merit or qualifications, but based on race. Sounds a little racist not to hire someone because he's white. Sounds a little sexist not to hire someone because he's not a she. How is that social justice for the middle class white person who doesn't get a job even though he is more qualified and credentialed than another minority candidate? How is that good for a company to be forced to take on individuals who aren't the best at their disciplines? How is that company supposed to be competitive on the international market with companies who hire the best regardless of race? How is that good for the minority candidate who gets a job they're not qualified for. That individual will have a false sense of being qualified and will have missed out on the personal development required to be the best, and to be hired for their excellence and not because of their race. You are robbing that minority candidate of personal accomplishment and the opportunity to reach their full potential. You are also setting that minority candidate up for humiliation and antagonism when their incompetence is discovered in the workplace. How is it social justice that I couldn't get a grant or scholarship because I am white, my parents are middle class and not divorced, and I happen to be heterosexual? I would say now the tables have turned and the social injustice is toward the achievers and white people who work hard and pay taxes. There are people out there who don't want social injustices and the racism that African Americans have experienced to go away.
There is a class of colored people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs. There is a certain class of race-problem solvers who don't want the patient to get well. - Booker T. Washington
I don't buy the idea that all the hardships of the poor both here and around the world is a result of American capitalism. If anything it is the leftovers of communism as well as the current full fledged communist/totalitarian governments and dictators that are responsible for the economic devastation and human suffering in the world.
It has been the Environmental Extremists on the Left that have blockaded 3rd world countries from getting the cheap electricity available through modern power plants and technologies that could bring them into the 21st century, provide jobs and wealth, and stop many pointless deaths. All based on an undebated and easily debunked myth of Global Warming. We are on the verge of knee-capping our economy with Cap and Trade (a misnomer for "Cap and Tax"), and imposing crippling CAFE standards on our struggling automotive companies, all for a politically hyped, completely unscientific theory that man is affecting Global Temperatures and unless we act drastically now, human life will end, which is the true Environmentalists perfect world (a world without humans). Global Warming is an emotional red herring and provides a vehicle for the largest increase in government power, taxation, and control over every little aspect of our lives. It has absolutely nothing to do with helping the planet. Scientifically and historically, plant life flourishes with warmer temperatures and increased CO2. If plants could talk, I think they'd have a problem with reducing global temperatures and CO2.
Capitalism has provided the most wealth for the most people and the best standard of living in the world for America as opposed to other nations who refuse to learn from the past history of socialism and communism. America is also the most charitable nation in the world. Obama and his administration are waging an all out war on Capitalism and American Exceptionalism. He's knowingly destroying the vehicle which made America great, Capitalism. He is punishing America for her sin of prosperity and is aggressively erasing America's Judeo Christian heritage. I hope his attempts to do so fail.
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