This is Part 3 in a three part series of my thoughts on the Church and it's fear of getting involved in political matters and controversial secular ideas like global warming to name one. Why should they get involved with topics seemingly irrelevant to the Christian religion? Because these ideas and the policies that go with them threaten our Freedoms and Liberties. The Freedoms and Liberties our Founders built into our government came from principles in the Bible. If the Church will not defend these Freedoms and Liberties from the basis of the Bible, who will? The Church must engage in the public discussion of controversial secular ideas. This article got so long that I decided to divide it up into three parts that I will post everyday for three days.
Christians cannot entrust the seemingly weighty matters of government and politics to their elected representatives and live in an ignorant bliss trusting that their representatives have their best interest at heart. Christians may be willing to dive into weighty theological matters but to blindly trust the weighty matters of politics and policy to elected representatives without investigation is irresponsible and dangerous. Politicians intentionally use big words and try to add complexity to issues to discourage the People from actually investigating what they are up to. Most of the complexity is just a red herring, that when stripped away, reveal a less than noble agenda that usually involves them securing more votes, money, and power for themselves and their party. A People cannot be ignorant of the activities of their elected representatives and not lose their freedoms over time. Christians must research the candidates' past in regards to character, morals, and voting record, and hold it up to the Bible.
"Liberty cannot be preserved
without a general knowledge among the people, who have...
a right, an indisputable, unalienable, indefeasible, divine right
to that most dreaded and envied kind of knowledge,
I mean the characters and conduct of their rulers." - John Adams
Some might say politics "isn't their thing " or something of the sort. My question to them would be, "do you enjoy your freedoms here in America and do you know how they came about?". How can someone partake in the freedoms of this great nation and be willfully ignorant in matters of government is beyond me. They do not understand the source of freedom, and the nature of governments to enslave it's People. The voice and will of the people is the greatest check and balance of our government. If your not involved and speaking out don't complain to me when your freedoms disappear. I'm not saying you have to be a political junkie, but please pay attention. Be able to rebut the MSNBC talking points with Biblical principles, facts, and solutions. Talk to your friends in a civil manner, if they don't want to be civil, move on to the next person. To be informed is the citizens' duty and The Labor of Freedom and Liberty.
The Church with all it's noble causes and activities cannot afford to just apply the 2 Corinthians 10:5 to matters of theology, it applies to public and secular matters too. I would argue this should be part of the Church's activities and causes. The congregation should be made aware of any legislation or politician that would threaten their God given, Constitutionally affirmed and protected rights. This is where the Church, in large, gets an F-. I hope the tax breaks and attendance numbers were worth the freedoms lost.
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